Breakfast: Weir of Sounds


PLATO Bauhaus, Ostrava

This breakfast gathering took place in the garden of a former hobby market, where it complemented the screening of Czechoslovak educational films about food and nutrition together with a live electro-acoustic mix from Petr Vrba, Ivan Palacký, Martin Nábělek and Pavel Klusák. The event was part of the program curated by Pavel Klusák during the film festival Kamera Oko in Ostrava.


🌸 vegan salad “vlašák“ with Jerusalem artichokes

🍄 vegan mushroom pâté “májka” from Amanita rubescens, Macrolepiota procera, Laccaria amethystina and a mixture of Russulas

🍦 “Retro” apple cake with sponge and whipped cream in cups

🍌 fruit salad a.k.a. jelly ~ fruit soaked in macerated hibiscus tea

🍎 apple skin

🥨 pastry from Pawliczka

Everything was vegan. We collected apples, Jerusalem artichokes and mushrooms in forests and forgotten orchards.

Photo: Daniel Dujsík

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